The saying everything happens for a reason. Seems very inappropriate and appropriate at the same time in the world at the moment.
I have done a lot of thinking as to why this has happened and what positives I can take from this pandemic. How we can change and adapt as humans, as a family and myself.
The pandemic has forced everyone to take a step back and look at how they spend their time, what is important and is this how you want to spend the rest of your life? We need to change and focus on what is really important to us and the people around us, as the world evolves into this new normal.
This is real. This is a massive change that is happening around the world and how we choose to deal with it will decide if we make this a better place to be and better people / person for it. It has forced us to take a step back and have ‘down time’ at home with our families. We as a family have taken this down time to spend doing things together. We have found that this time together has been great. We are spending time doing things that we always ‘wanted to do’ but ‘never had time for’ playing board games together and the kids helping cook dinner, family fire nights where the kids get to cook damper and toast marshmallows as if we were camping. I guess kids being able to be kids.
I have also found my love for rock fishing again and realised that both my boys love it too, which is fantastic. Now we have a new sport that we can do together, hangout and as and added bonus I get to teach the boys a new skill. I guess you could say we have all stopped to ‘smell the roses’ so to speak. As much as my kids drive me crazy with their bickering and fighting it is great to see them work together and get along and still enjoy each others company (as long as they are busy doing something they love). As much as this is a very scary and uncertain time and the world has been up turned upside down, I am happy to say that I feel it has bought our family closer together and we have gained a better understanding of each other, which we will all take with us moving forward. I guess you could say it has been a bonding experience for our family.
So now as we go into the next chapter of history I hope that other people / families have experienced the same positive outcomes that we have had as a family. Hopefully we can make this a life changing experience to improve our lives as we move forward in these uncertain times.
CHEERS to a positive outcome at the end of the pandemic.