It is EXTREMELY important that we all support each other through these very scary and heart breaking times as these bushfires seem like they will never be controlled. I take my hat off to the men and women who have put their lives on hold and fought for ours. We were extremely fortunate when the fires came near us we had the local volunteer firies here in a heartbeat. It was extremely scary and having kids with me and my husband away at the time it was so reassuring to watch my kids work together and watch out for each other. While being responsible enough to remember the plans we had put in place if ever an event like this were to happen. It was a time that changed a lot of things for a lot of people. We were the lucky ones and I will be forever grateful to ALL the volunteers that are always there when they have been called upon. THANKYOU ALL from our family we will be forever in your debt. xx
So while this extremely stressful event is taking place we need to think about the people that it is/has affected. The regional businesses that rely on markets or have a shop in regional Australia. They need our support. The government has put together a website where you can buy handmade products from fire or drought affect businesses in regional Australia. This is the link to the website Buy Regional. This is a fantastic place for you to purchase your Christmas gifts. You will be amazed at the quality of items and gift wares that are available from some extremely talented people. Lets get together and make Australia great again. Buy local, support Australian made products and small businesses that sell them. Thank you from Hotwix